Angel's Share

Le radici, le persone e lo spirito dei distillati


Bladnoch messa in liquidazione

bladnochLe notizie girano velocemente e da rumors più che attendibile nei corridoi di Spirit of Scotland è stato confermato dalle notizie ufficiali di queste ore: Bladnoch è stata messa in liquidazione. Inutile dire che questa notizia, per una distilleria che a me ha sempre fatto simpatia e credo anche whisky più che dignitosi, in tempi di boom di aperture risulta piuttosto strana. Pare che alla base di tutto non ci siano particolari problemi economici ma una distanza di visioni tra i quattro investitori, due pare volessero vendere e due tenere le quote. E’ già stato nominato il liquidatore, Joseph Luke Charleton (Ernst & Young) che si occuperà di gestire i vari asset della Co-Ordinated Development Services (l’azienda proprietaria della distilleria) e cercare compratori.

Altri rumors, sempre attendibili (per chi c’era, pensate a chi era di fianco a me allo Spirit of Scotland), dicono che warehouse e una parte dello stock siano già nel mirino di Ian Mcleod, proprietario di Glengoyne e Tamdhu oltre che di alcune lineee di IB tra cui il marchio Chieftains.

La storia recente di Bladnoch è particolare, acquistata da Raymond Amstrong nel 1994 come casa vacanze da UD (ora Diageo) e vincolato a non riaprire la distilleria, era riucito con testardaggine a togliere il vincolo e a riportare la distilleria alla produzione nel 2000. Raymond Amstrong, maggiore azionista della distilleria, ha commentato sul blog di Bladnoch

Thanks for the kind comments. I first came across Bladnoch in May 1994, so it’s nearly twenty years ago. I would have liked to have seen the distillery’s bi-centenary in 2017 but that wasn’t to be. My time at Bladnoch resulted in me getting a son in law from Glasgow and a daughter in law from Wigtown who has provided me with a Scottish grandson. I’ve also made friends all around the world so you can’t say anything bad about that. The end wasn’t the nicest but you can’t have everything.

In un altro post si percepisce che gli avvoltoi già si aggirano sulla carcassa, nessuna differenza con altri mondi, per chi pensa al romanticismo del whisky…

This page was intended to be a record of a day in the life of a distillery, although as most of you know I’ve always strayed willy nilly from topic to topic, so in the past this section could contain anything from the news that Ireland won the Six Nations rugby to the tractor lawn mower needs a new battery.
Todays long-distance thoughts come from the comfort of home in N.I rather than from Bladnoch. They are not as you will have gathered about the day to day running of the place but rather the necessity of having to deal with the many requirements of the receivers processing the winding up of the distillery. Fortunately few of you will have to deal with this situation. Sometimes professional people doing their job can be insensitive and one is tempted to be rude in return. Instead I debate why I should give my co-operation but I do, it’s not their fault. They appear horrified that I might consider Teneriffe to be inviting just now. They suggest that the Forum should be shut down. I disagree but am obliged to agree to parts of their request. I point out that the domain name was purchased by me and has been run for the benefit of the company.
Other folk, potential buyers, seek information. Some of them know me personally and have done so for a long time. Naturally I’ll be delighted if the buyer is someone I know and like, but I point out that no part of the decision is mine and I email them the contact details of the receiver.
With this new workforce at Bladnoch asking questions, naturally there is quite a lot of duplication. Replies given to one person a few days earlier are requested in an email from someone else.
Who knows the relevant legislation for an HMRC Warehouse Bond? Not the receivers but fortunately I know a man who is familiar with Notice 196 Section 4.5 (Page 14 and 15 of the PDF document).
Other calls are from traders or cask owners wondering why they have been unable to obtain the release of their cask from Bladnoch’s warehouses. This may take a little bit of time, perhaps even longer. I feel guilty that they have been inconvenienced but I’m powerless to influence events.
Existing agents for Bladnoch in other countries enquire if the new owners will continue to use them as the selling agents. They have been good and faithful promoters of Bladnoch, perhaps even making it available in their country for the first time. They have done the hard initial slog and had hoped for longer term reward … I can sympathise, I know the feeling.
The frustration is relieved by phone calls from friends expressing genuine sympathy.

So che il mio amico Luca non sarà d’accordo, spero che i nuovi compratori cambino le etichette…

2 pensieri riguardo “Bladnoch messa in liquidazione

  • Due vogliono vendere e due no e si mette tutto in liquidazione?!?!? Detta così puzza non poco.
    Peccato per gli azionisti che hanno salvato la distilleria dalla speculazione edilizia e che si trovano con solo problemi, in una situazione di espansione del mercato c’è da pensare che una bella distilleria a prezzo di saldo faccia gola a molti e che quindi Bladnoch possa avere un futuro. Come funziona in Scozia con le licenze in caso di fallimento? Si può conservare o va persa?!?!?

  • Molto strano, anche io sto pensando male, tipo che ci sia rimasto poco da liquidare…Però non siamo in Italia e magari là le cose funzionano diversamente ed è tutto trasparente.

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